360 Evaluations

The IOE provides a 360-Degree Leadership assessment that focuses on clarifying the areas of strength and areas of growth from one’s direct reports, peers, and supervisors. The 360-Degree Feedback Instrument is a straightforward online tool that only takes about 15 minutes to complete. It is easy to administer and its multi-rater strategy and combination of scaled and open-ended items gives a true sense of one’s leadership. Full color reports with numerical and graphical data are provided. Personal Development Worksheets and comparison data are included to allow individuals to make the most of the data. Our Multi-Rater system offers:

  • Reduced bias due to a larger respondent pool
  • A balanced view from different perspectives
  • Honest responses due to anonymity
  • Assessment by those who know and work closely with the individual
  • Present a fuller, multi-dimensional picture of the individual
 For further information please contact us.